Good luck to the girls and boys reserve basketball teams. They will take on Palmyra in Malcolm beginning at 6:15 p.m.

Thank you MHS Community!

Salute to Success ~ Football 2022. Relive the season highlights with this video.

Good luck to the girls wrestlers as they travel to Wahoo for an Invite. The meet will begin at 4:00 p.m. today.

Trailblazer Basketball Tonight! Malcolm at Beatrice. Go Clippers! JV games will begin at 4:30 followed by the varsity games. If you can't make it, watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/@BEAMedia

Malcolm Star Teacher ~ Release 5
In this episode, McKenna interviews Mrs. Kramer, 3rd grade teacher at Malcolm.

Thank you to Nate Neuhaus for coming out to Malcolm High to discuss officials and sportsmanship. Eye opening statistics in the presentation.
We are working to replace many older officials, who have done it a long time, and it’s a concern we can’t keep young official in it.

MHS Winter Dance
January 14th 8:00-11:00PM
9th-12th Grades
Sign up outside dates in the HS office starting January 5th

The rescheduled 6-12 grade instrumental concert will take place this evening in the high school gym starting at 7:00 p.m.

The new middle school broadcast video is a much watch. And for those parents and students who are to young, here’s a reference to SNL More Cowbell. 🐮🔔 awesome job!

Jack Tarr has earned a NIAAA Distinguished Service Award. The award was presented at the National Athletic Directors Conference in Nashville. Congratulations Jack! Well deserved!!

There will be a 6-12 grade vocal concert tonight in the high school gym. The concert will begin at 7:00 p.m.

ANCHOR ticket winners!!! Great job

The girls and boys basketball teams make the trip to GI Northwest this evening. Girls Varsity and Boys JV play at 5:30 followed by Boys Varsity and Girls JV.

The Clipper basketball teams take the court again today. Come cheer them on as they host Platteview. JV starts things off at 1:00 p.m. https://bit.ly/malcolmclippersyoutube

WINNERS!!! NSAA Class A State Play Production Champions. Congrats Tami Maytum and the entire team.

The girls and boys wrestling teams travel to Crete for an Invitational on Saturday. The meet begins at 9:00 a.m. Good Luck Clippers!

The Junior Boys Basketball Team will compete at the Trailblazer Conference Tournament tomorrow in Plattsmouth. Go Clippers!

Good luck to the Malcolm One Act members as they perform at the State Competition tonight. Malcolm will perform at 7:00 p.m.