MPS WINTER spirit Days

Congratulations to Payton, Laurel, and Callie for being named Honorable Mention All State in the World Herald. Those three are joined by Jenna in the Journal Star Honorable Mention list.

2024-25 Yearbooks are on sale now! Use the link to purchase or bring a check to Mrs. Martin. Yearbooks are $40.https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/55847/

Home opening basketball games tonight!

District Play Production - Saturday 12/7
Look out for thieves along the Trail!

York bound to open the wrestling season! Good luck gentlemen!

Wrestling Season Opener for the ladies! Go Clippers!

Malcolm PTO Cherrydale Fundraiser
Thursday, December 12th
If you had hardcopy order forms or online items that were delivered to school, a parent must come pick them up from the elementary commons.

Game 1!

Awesome performances from our K-5 students. Thanks Mr. Marsh and Mr. Beach for a great concert.

Congratulations to the football players who made the All-District team!

Blood Drive at MPS 12.3.24. Please Donate!

Happy Thanksgiving to our Malcolm families.

Unified Bowling shirts are available. Support the unified bowlers and the work that they put in throughout their season. Store closes 12/11!

November ANCHOR awards

November K-5 ANCHOR awards. Congrats to these awesome kids.

Congratulations to Belinda Wilkins and Emma Bloomquist for representing Malcolm at the Nebraska Music Educators elementary Orff music workshop.

Congratulations to Londynn Ridder, Emalyn Beach, Shayla Hargens, Avery Klink, Morgan Pulec, Peyton Jones, and Myles Scovill for representing Malcolm at the Nebraska Music Educators Middle Level All State Chorus. Over 800 students submitted auditions and only 270 were selected.

Congratulations to Clara Ladman for representing Malcolm at the 2024 Nebraska Music Educators Association All State Chorus. Over 1400 students auditioned and only 440 were accepted.

Menu change for tomorrow.