Game 9! Big one in on the dock tonight vs Milford
Can't make it to the game, catch it on Hudl:

The high school winter dance has been rescheduled to Saturday, January 25th!

📢 Winter Formal Postponed
Due to the forecasted weather conditions, tonight's winter formal has been postponed. ❄️
We will work to reschedule the event and will share details as soon as the new date is set!

Saturday's basketball games vs Louisville have been postponed due to the snow forecast.

If you're a supporter of Malcolm Clippers athletics, we'd love to have you join us at the next booster meeting.

Malcolm Schools will start accepting Preschool applications for the 2025-2026 school year starting on Monday, January 13th. More information can be found on the school's website.

9-12th grade Winter Dance is Saturday, January 4th, from 8-11 p.m.
Nice attire suggested
$7.00 per person
Hope to see all students there!

Final day of holiday tournament hoops! Can't make it out, watch online:

Congratulations to our 2nd Quarter 6-8 ANCHOR winners!

Game 6! Last game before the moratorium. Can't make it south to Beatrice, watch online: YouTube.com/BEAMedia

Malcolm Blue Crew Night
Thursday, December 19th
4:30 JV Boys & Girls
6:00 Varsity Girls
7:30 Varsity Boys
***All K-6 Blue Crew members will get a special snack

Game 5!
Can't make it out, watch online: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/malcolm/organization/14799/malcolm-high-school

Congratulations to our seniors who have committed to further their academic and athletic careers after graduating from Malcolm. This morning we had five seniors celebrate their signing with their families and friends.

Congratulations to Logan and Mason for being named 1st Team All State Class C-2 in the World Herald. They were also named 1st Team C-2 by Huskerland Prep and 1,000 Yard Guy.
Congratulations to Cole and Josh for their Honorable Mention honors in the World Herald.

Malcolm Schools lunch/breakfast accounts

Malcolm Public Schools
December 13th
12:27 Early Dismissal

Malcolm PTO Cherrydale Fundraiser
Thursday, December 12th
If you had hardcopy order forms or online items that were delivered to school, a parent must come pick them up from the elementary commons.

Are you the parent of a current Malcolm athlete, or a future Malcolm athlete? If so, please join us! The Booster Club is a great supporter of MPS and Malcolm athletes.

MPTO Raising Canes Night
***Remember to mention Malcolm PTO